
About Thread and Yarn

Thread and yarn



These are materials for which natural fibers or chemical fibers are paralleled and twisted, and materials which are industrially twisted are called twisted yarns.
There are various sewing yarns depending on the type of fiber, form and how to twist.

Type of fiber

Types of fibers are roughly classified into two categories of natural fibers and chemical fibers.
Natural fibers: Cotton, hemp, silk, etc.

Form of fiber

Filament (long fiber)
This is a long continuous fiber.
Vinymo, Telemo and MBT are filament threads.
- Spun (short fiber)
This is a short cotton-like fiber.
We also produce span threads of polyester and vinylon.

How to twist

Twisted yarns are roughly classified according to the twisting direction, twisting number and twisting shape.
- Difference in twisting direction
Application in use differs according to twisting direction.
Left twist (Z twist) Often used for sewing machine threads.
Right twist (S twist) Often used for manually sewing threads.
- Difference in twisting number
Differs according to thickness and nature of threads, however, they are as follows;
- Slight twist (500t/m or less) – Medium twist (500t/m to 1000t/m) – Hard twist (1000t/m or more)
*t/m = number of rotations per 1m of yarn
- Difference in twisting shape
Single-twist   One or more yarns are paralleled and twisted.
Organzine    Two or more single-twisted yarns are paralleled and twisted.
Furthermore, there are various twisting shapes such as design twisted yarns.
Nagai Yoriito Co., Ltd.
Naniwa-Suji Building 5F, 1-20-13 Utsubo-Honmachi, Nishi-Ku, Osaka-Shi, Osaka 550-0004
TEL. +81-6-6448-6200
FAX. +81-6-6448-6203